Pablo Meriguet
US judge sentences ex-president of Honduras to 45 years in prison

Former US ally Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced to 45 years in prison. A Manhattan court convicted him for the crime of exporting more than 400 tons of cocaine to the United States and possession of “destructive devices”

Ecuadorian government orders the deportation of Cuban journalist Alondra Santiago

The Cuban journalist is accused of committing acts against public security, in a measure seen as an act of censorship and authoritarianism

Hundreds of Kenyan police arrive in Port-au-Prince, establishing the latest foreign military occupation of Haiti

The Kenyan officers arrived to Port-au-Prince to establish the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support Mission to fight against gang violence in Haiti

Will there be justice for protesters killed in Peru’s anti-coup protests?

20 military personnel have been accused of intentional homicide in Peru for their role in repressing the December 2022 demonstrations in Ayacucho. The military allegedly fired intentionally against the unarmed civilian population.

Panamanian workers are being punished by their government for leading anti-mining protests

Panama’s largest union, SUNTRACS, has denounced that several of their bank accounts were frozen as a retaliatory measure for opposing a mining concession in 2023.

Venezuelan presidential candidates pledge to respect July 28 election results

Eight of the ten candidates for the upcoming July 28 presidential election signed an agreement with the CNE to respect the results of the electoral process

Petro’s government achieves a limited victory on its Labor Reform Bill

The country’s trade union confederations condemned that several key articles were removed from the reform during negotiations in Congress

Argentine organizations reject attempts by Milei to silence dissent with fear

Over 30 people were detained in Buenos Aires during the brutal repression of the protests against Milei’s economic reform law

Petro’s Pension Reform passes in Colombia’s House of Representatives

The approval of the progressive pension reform was celebrated by the Colombian president as an “important social conquest”